lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008

Reading Blog: 2nd Chapter in Slaughterhouse - Five

The first chapter is a brief prologue in which Vonnegut introduces the book, and says he wants to tell the story about his experience in World War II. From the second chapter on, is the actual novel on the World War.

The second chapter (pgs. 23 - 51) lets us know that the main character, Billy Pilgrim has the ability to go unstuck in time. The first time Billy travels through time is during the war. Billy is kind of confused when this first happens and he doesn't know what is going on. Basically, what happens is that time stops and Billy has visions of things that have already happened or will happen in the future. The novel just keeps jumping in time, an one moment we are seeing Billy crash in an airplane, then we see him in the World War, and then he is telling the story of when the aliens abducted him and took him to their planet 'Trafalmadore'.

It is a very interesting novel and I am eager about reading on. I really like the way Vonnegut writes, and especially the way he simplifies everything. For instance, I amuse myself every time he tells a story about somebody dying, because of the way he always uses the phrase "So it goes." I don't want to assume anything on the rest of the novel yet and like I said, I'm looking forward to continuing my reading.

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